In addition to the practical, hands on guitar workshops, we have been developing and conducting talks for Worship/Production Team Nights. Each talk is tailor made and prepared for the specific team we are visiting. We spend time praying into these meetings so we can bring a word of encouragement and teaching that will benefit & grow individuals and the team as a whole.
If you book us for a Team Meeting, you can expect the following:
Teaching and encouragement that is Bible based
Teaching and encouragement that is specific for your team
Prayer and ministry time for the team and individuals
Our Vision for Team Nights, is to bring more life and more light to the Worship Team. Our observation of Worship Teams and how they work, inform us that there are always team members who need more specific ministry and teaching than what is often available. Having someone from outside come in has for many teams been a way of filling some gaps that have been unable to be filled previously.
Release the Sound
This is a 6-7 hour seminar for Worship Teams, Worship Musicians, Worship Pastors, Pastors, Vicars and anyone who wants to learn more about Worship in the Kingdom today.
The day is structured as follows:
Session 1 Worship…what is it?
Session 2 The Call to Worship
Session 3 Worship Activations
Session 4 Let’s Play, Pray and Question