Leeland’s McPherson

During 2015 at our church in Sydney, Leeland and his band came to sing and lead worship. Because they were an international team and had flown from the States, we offered to set up a table side of stage to make sure the guitars they brought over survived the international flight! Just as well we did!

During sound check, Steve noticed Leeland’s McPherson Guitar was not sounding as though the pickup was working correctly. It sounded thin and didn’t have much volume.

After sound check, Steve approached Leeland’s manager and told him what he noticed in sound check, and offered to take a look at the guitar. When Leeland heard this, he agreed to let Steve take a look at it. Leeland had noticed over the last few months that something wasn’t sounding right, but no one seemed to believe what he was hearing.

With the guitar on the table, Steve began investigating the pickup. He discovered that the sensor inside the guitar was not working because the wires were detached and only the piezo was working. As a result, the sound was thin and lifeless. Steve then reattached the wires so the sensor was re-engaged with the piezo system. Steve then handed the guitar back to Leeland so he could sound check again.

Leeland played one chord through the system…put the guitar down and came running over to Steve! He wrapped his arms around Steve’s shoulders and thanked him profusely for bringing the sound back to his guitar.

The next time we saw Leeland was at Big Church Festival in 2022. He came into our tent and said “Hi…I’m Leeland”. We smiled and said “yes we know” and then reminded him of his McPherson in Sydney. A big smile came across his face and once again thanked us for bringing his guitar back!


Stu G’s Fender Telecaster